These are some of the procedures we will adopt in order to manage the current health situation in the best possible way. In this way, you can enjoy your holiday in total safety and peace of mind, ensuring relaxation and fun.
Here is a vademecum of the various anti-Covid-19 measures:
Villaggio Rosapineta Sud employs a specialised company to sanitise the accommodation unit/hotel room at every change of guests, using certified cleaning products or other physical means such as dry steam. The natural change of air and the periodic replacement of air conditioner filters are also guaranteed.
The depth of Rosapineta Sud beach guarantees the distancing recommended by the government.
Beach chairs, umbrellas and all the equipments will be regularly sanitized.
Every family will have its own and private space on the beach.
Beach chairs and umbrellas will be distanced and sanitized after every use, as Veneto Region’s decree recommends.
In addition, all equipment is guaranteed to be sanitised each time it is changed. Each facility is equipped with dispensers with hydro-alcoholic solutions for hand hygiene at clearly visible points at the entrance and in areas of frequent transit, in the solarium area or in strategic areas to promote hand hygiene. The staff is equipped with a people counter to monitor and ensure that the maximum number of people in the pool is respected.
The entertainment service is guaranteed for the entire opening period of the Village. All entertainment activities are preferably by appointment and limited in number, in order to guarantee spacing and safety for Guests and operators. All activities that allow for adequate spacing are possible. Miniclub with workshops, fitness activities, individual sports and evening entertainment.
Restaurants and bars will be open with appropriate table spacing and by reservation only. Tables must be laid out in such a way that the seating ensures an interpersonal distance of at least one metre between customers, with the exception of persons who are not subject to interpersonal distance under the current regulations; the latter is a matter of individual responsibility. Menus can be presented in plasticised print with prior and post-use sanitisation, online on mobile phones, or in disposable paper form.
We have equipped ourselves with a specific APP that will allow you to order your favourite dishes directly from your accommodation via your mobile phone with online payment. Take-away and food delivery services will also be available.
There is no provision for measuring the body temperature of guests on arrival, although the manager is entitled to do so, preventing access in the event of a temperature > 37.5 °C. We are experimenting with self check-in. Please ask our staff for information if you are interested. The anti-COVID defence strategy is based on three simple principles: 1) use of a mask; 2) personal hygiene; 3) keeping a distance of at least one metre. At check-in, all guests will be given an anti-COVID information note all employees and suppliers will have their body temperature taken whenever they enter the campsite. Online communication (e-mail, Whatsapp) or phone calls during the stay are preferred in order to avoid gatherings in the office.
All common areas such as supermarket, restaurants, gym, offices, swimming pool etc.. will be regularly sanitized with hydrogen peroxide.
These are only some of the rules we’re following.
Other dispositions will follow in case of a new Ministerial Decree.
Your cooperation is vital to guarantee safety and achieve the best possible results!
The safety of our guests and employees is our primary concern.
In case of cancellation, please send an e-mail to: info@rosapinetasud.it
Cancellation policy:
- Within 21 days before the arrival day, the deposit will be refunded minus a cancellation fee of € 50,00;
- From 20 days before the arrival day up to 7 days before arrival, the deposit will be withheld;
- From 6 days before the arrival day to the check-in day the whole amount of the first week must be paid;